Version 0.3.7 ########## - Added support for inline-links in phpdoc-comments ({@link ...}) - A user-dialog "Do you want to open the PHP-classes from your last session?" showing up after starting phpclassview was added (together with the corresponding functionality) - Global/uncategorized project-classes (that don't belong to any package or category) now appear under a new section "Global/uncategorized classes" in generated project-documentations. - Some slight visual modifications were applied to the look of class- and project-documentations. - Overall performance of the generation of static HTML-documentations was increased. - Added a button "open generated documentation" that appears after a HTML-documentation was generated. - The overall performance of the TAB-control was increased significantly (especially when a lot of tabs/classes get opened) - HTML-links used in classdoc-comments get displayed in generated documentations now. - Bugfix: When the first tab in tabrow was closed, the classdocumentation assotiated with that tab still was shown (while the next tab in the row was selected). - Bugfix: The monitor for detecting filesystem-changes that is used for the FileBrowser sometimes crashed on SMB-network-drives hosted by linux-systems - Bugfix: "return-by-reference"-methods are recognized and displayed correctly now in class-documentations. - Bugfix: Signatures of abstract methods with leading "abstract"-keyword (like "abstract funcion foo()") are recognized as such correctly now. - Bugfix: Doc-comments without any short or long description but with "@"-doctags get parsed correctly now. - Bugfix: When a new drive was added to the filesystem (i.e. USB or network-drive), previously expanded nodes in the filebrowser couldn't get collapsed/closed anymore before the the new drive appeared or disappeared. - Bugfix: Doc-comments beginning with an empty line get parsed correctly now. Version 0.3.6 ########## - Bugfix: Application didn't close completely after exiting phpclassview. (Background-thread for searching network-hosts kept on searching for some short time). This caused problems when restarting phpclassview immediately after closing it (e.g. after application-update). - PHPClassView now runs on 64bit-windows-systems. Version 0.3.5 ########## - Improved detection of directory and file-changes in the filebrowser. (Now should work with network-hosts running Linux and samba-shares too) - Added automatic detection of rootdrive-changes in the file-browser. (E.g. if a USB-drive was added/removed) - Added "Refresh"-option to context-menus of folders/shares/drives etc. in the filebrowser. - Added support for @deprecated and @section comment-tags. - Constructors of PHP5-classes now appear with the classname instead of "__construct" in the class-docs. - Added website-link to the "About"-form. - Added status-messages to the load-splashscreen. Version 0.3.4 ########## - Network-Hosts appear sorted now by name in the filebrowser - Folder-contextmenu is now available for network-shares in the filebrowser too. - Fixed up some gui-issues of the application-auto-update-function. - if a php-file containig more tham one php-class is opened, the classbrowser will display all of the containing classes now (in separate tabs) - Bugfix: files that were dragged into the classbrowser (drag&drop) always got opened in utf8-encoding (instead of the encoding applied by the user in the settings-menu). - Bugfix: Constants of php-classes sometimes didn't get recognized corretly (if there wasn't a whitespace before the "=" in the constant-definition) Version 0.3.3 ########## - Fixed a bug in the classparser. (double escaped " or ' caused problems in detection of string-endings) - Improved performance of the classparser (very long property- of method-signatures in PHP-classes caused some parsing-slowdowns). - Filebrowser: Renamed menu-option "Open path" to "Open Directory (Explorer)". - Internal: Added some debug-benchmarks to the classparser. Version 0.3.2 ########## - Fixed a bug in application-updater (Updates were installed to the wrong path when phpclassview was started from an shortcut under Windows 7) - Changed encoding of displayed method/property-signatures (linebreaks
in method/property-parameters caused a linebreak when displaying the signature) - Changed tag "packet" to "package" in class-overview. (That's how it's called ;) ) Version 0.3.1 ########## Initial release.